FILIPINOS CELEBRATE FEAST OF SANTO NIÑO ON SUNDAY – Pit Señor! Joy, piety and togetherness in a dazzling display of faith

It’s one of the most vibrant and expressive public displays of faith in Asia’s largest Catholic nation, but also an exuberant trademark for Filipino communities spread around the world. Macau Special Administrative Region is no exception. On Sunday morning, believers will flock to Saint Augustine’s Church to attend a Mass in honor of Señor Santo Niño. Later on, hundreds of Overseas Filipino Workers will swarm the streets of central Macau to celebrate Sinulog, a lively festival that intertwines faith, culture and tradition.

GOSPEL REFLECTION – Jesus, The New Wine Reserved for Us

The Church traditionally uses three celebrations after Christmas to emphasize the manifestation of Jesus’ divinity. First, on the Feast of the Epiphany, the Child Jesus is recognized as God by the three wise men. Then, as we saw last Sunday, at His baptism performed by John the Baptist, a voice from heaven reveals that Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father and a dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit, descends upon Him. This trilogy concludes in today’s celebration with the Gospel of the wedding at Cana, where Jesus during a wedding and after His mother’s request, turns water into wine and begins His messianic signs that would be completed with the sign of greater love through His sacrifice on the cross.

USJ TO WELCOME STUDENTS FROM PORTUGAL’S CASA PIA – University of Saint Joseph signs cooperation agreement with Portuguese institution

The University of Saint Joseph will be welcoming students from Portugal’s largest educational institution for socially disadvantaged children and youth as soon as next year. The program was confirmed to “O Clarim” by Álvaro Barbosa, Vice-rector for Internationalization and Academic Affairs of USJ. Macau’s Catholic university signed a collaborative agreement with Casa Pia de Lisboa just before Christmas.

THE FIRST ACTS OF POPE FRANCIS – Hope, the key word of the Holy Year 2025

In his usual Sunday Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, on the occasion of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord which, according to the liturgical calendar currently in force in the Catholic Church, marks the end of the Christmas season, Pope Francis made the following statement: “the face and voice of God are revealed through the human side of Jesus”.

BAPTISM OF THE LORD – The Mingling of the Human and the Divine

This prayer of the priest appears before my eyes in a hallucinative glow on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord: “May the mingling of this water and wine bring us to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share our humanity.” The celebrant of the Eucharist utters this prayer under breath while mixing a drop of water into wine in preparation for the offertory. When I said this prayer during my first mass, the baptism scene of Jesus came to my mind without any prior meditation, and it stayed on with me.

THE COURAGEOUS VOICE OF PATRIARCH YOHANNA X – “We are not guests in this land; we are its children forever”

In the long sermon delivered on 1 January during the celebration of the New Year Mass in the Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Damascus, Yohanna X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, stressed the expressed desire of Syrian Christians to commit themselves to the peaceful construction of “a new Syria”, hoping that the new administration will have the same desire.